How to Store a Kimono After Use

How to Store a Kimono After Use

-----【information provider】-----

Chiho Koganemaru, with 20 years of experience in handling kimonos at Sakae Pawnshop and Recycle Kimono Jidaya, is currently obtaining the national certification of "Kimono Dressing Technician."


Currently, there are various types of kimonos available, such as "pure silk" and "synthetic fibers," but here is an introduction on how to store authentic pure silk kimonos.

★After Take Off

First, it is essential to let the kimono air dry on an emonkake (a traditional kimono rack) to dry it. This helps prevent mold and yellowing caused by sweat minerals and other residues, especially since pure silk kimonos cannot be easily washed and must be cleaned by professionals.

Since few households in Japan have an emonkake, a kimono hanger or a long drying rod can be used instead.


Kimono hangers are available for purchase.<

Delivered in a paulownia storage box!

Avoid drying in direct sunlight.

★After Thorough Drying, Store in a Tatoshi(Kimono wrapping paper)

After drying, place the kimono in a tatoshi (Kimono wrapping paper : a special washi paper envelope) and store it in a dry place. Tatoshi has been used in Japan for a long time to wrap clothing (kimono). It offers moisture absorption, protection from dirt, and ease of handling when taking out from storage.


Tatoshi is available for purchase.

 Delivered in a paulownia storage box!

 Hanging the kimono can take up space and cause it to lose shape, so it is recommended to fold and store it.



Folding Method: Hon-Tatami (Main Folding Method)

Here is an easy-to-understand explanation without using as many technical terms as possible.

①Spread out the kimono.

②With the collar to the left and the hem to the right, fold A inside along the red dotted line at the center.

③Fold the previously folded part towards you along the center dotted line, folding B towards you.

④Fold C along the red line to match the blue line, overlapping the square and triangle.

⑤Slide D's line towards the front line with both hands.

The kimono should look like this at this stage:

⑥Next, fold the upper body. First, valley fold the center of the collar to match. Overlap the two lines of the collar neatly.

⑧Fold the kimono in half along the center seam at the back.

⑨Overlap the left sleeve folded in step 8.

⑩Fold the kimono vertically in half, starting from the dotted line towards the collar.

⑪Lift the kimono and fold the right sleeve underneath.

⑫Place the kimono in a tatooshi and tie it.

⑬Store it in a paulownia box to protect it from moisture and insects.


Although it is possible to store in chests or drawers, using a paulownia box is recommended for careful storage. Paulownia also has a moisture-regulating effect, preventing high humidity.

According to Koganemaru, who has handled kimonos for many years,

"The condition of 40-year-old kimonos varies greatly. The deciding factor is the environment in which the kimono is stored. Near rivers or ponds, or on the first floor, where humidity is high, and in well-ventilated places (such as above the second floor of an apartment building), the condition differs significantly."


While moving to determine the storage location is difficult, measures to prevent humidity are necessary!



Furthermore, do not leave the kimono stored continuously; it needs to be aired (hung up) 2 to 3 times a year!


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